Women - Bigi Nagala

bigi nagala


Commissioned Artwork

This artwork represents women gathering to be supported, nurtured and empowered through indulgence, guidance and community. The pastel sunset colours in this piece provide a calm relaxed vibe while the earthy feature tones give a sense of grounding and feel for nature. This contemporary piece is filled with breezy palms which are a traditional food for coastal Aboriginal communities who also use the leaves for shelter and fibres for string, rope and fishing lines. Scattered throughout are groups of women with Nulla Nullas (fighting sticks) women with coolamons to carry babies, water or food and women to learn from and lean on. You will also find coconuts throughout, a symbol of longevity and abundance as well as mountains to represent strength and resilience. Central to this storywork is women supporting women by celebrating each other, building community and healing one another.


Acrylic on canvas